Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sun.’s Devo - Living for Eternity

Read: Isaiah 57:14-59:21; Philippians 1:1-26; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 24:9-10
In Chapter 58, God tells them why they ended up where they were. They had been exiled to Egypt and Babylon because they sinned and turned away from God and his promises for them. They had ended up in the curses instead of the blessings.
Now go back to Chapter 57 and God says that it was time to build them up because he was preparing a road for them to come back to him. He told them to remove all the stumbling blocks that they had that might keep them from receiving their deliverance and healing. God told Isaiah to let his voice be like a trumpet to declare to the people their rebellion and sins. In their man-made ways of seeking the Lord, they had not found him. Fasting was a ritual they used to get God’s attention but He explained to them that this was not working because they were still not loving and taking care of one another. Love for one another shows we have a heart for God.
God said that when they started caring for one another and laying down their lives, His light would start rising in their lives. The walls of salvation would be built and the road to God would be repaired.
God was giving them years to prepare for the coming of John the Baptist and Jesus. Isaiah’s message was the same message as John’s: Repent for the kingdom of God is near.
Today we begin reading Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The theme of his message to them is all about joy which is such a testimony because Paul was writing to them while he was in prison in Rome. His joy came in knowing that he was right where he was suppose to be doing exactly what he was suppose to be doing.
Paul’s joy also came because of the news he heard of them. The church had started out with a few people. They had to meet outside of town by a river because they needed 10 to form a minion and get the authority to meet in town.
Paul’s dilemma was wanting to go to heaven but knowing that his work on earth would be over if he did. We are building up stories that we will be able to talk about in heaven for eternity. We are also making connections with people that what we said or did on earth made a road for them to come to heaven or at least removed some of their roadblocks.
Paul realized that everything we do on earth matters in eternity and it is the only thing that matters.
Lord, help us to live our lives today as if we are affecting someones eternity.

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