Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sun.’s Devo - Reconciliation

Read: Job 40:1-42:17; 2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 22:14
Yesterday, God talked much about the lighting and the thunder and the seas. By his words, it happened and a hurricane formed. Today, God spoke out of that tempest he had stirred up. God asked Job if he still wanted to correct him.
Job said he was too ashamed to speak.
God continued to ask Job questions. He asked him if he was through blaming God to prove himself right. He challenged Job to change his appearance into a glorified being. Was he powerful enough to rule the earth and bring justice to everyone? God described the hippopotamus and the dragon and asked Job if he had more power than them.
Job, humbled to his core, admitted that he had spoken without understanding of things way beyond his comprehension. He repented because he had spoken of things he had only heard about God, but now he had experienced God.
Then, God spoke to the oldest of his friends and rebuked him and his friends for speaking wrong about him. He told them to take seven bulls and rams to Job and sacrifice them as an offering and have Job pray for God to forgive them. They obeyed and when Job prayed for them, God restored all of Job’s fortune back to him double. He restored his health, his friends and relatives and blessed him with a whole new family of seven sons and three beautiful daughters. Job lived another 140 years of peace and happiness.
In Corinthians, Paul explained that since God, through the cross reconciled us back to him. So, we too have that ministry of reconciling the world back to him.
Lord, we can see in the life of Job, your desire to reconcile your children back to you. You do care about everything we go through and have a plan to bless us if we continue to trust you.

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