Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thurs.’s Devo - His Faithful Love Endures Forever!

Read: Ps. 136, 146, 148, 149, 150
I hope you read every “His faithful love endures forever” in Psalm 136. That line literally means, “because forever is His lovingkindness.” The writer remembers one thing God did and has to stop and praise Him for it. We could tell our story and interject that line after every sentence because it has been God’s love that has led us this far and it will be his faithful love that will take us to the last chapter of our lives.
Psalm 146 tell us not to put our confidence in powerful people because they can’t help us. Joyful is the person who puts their hope in the Lord because He will help us. Psalm 147 tells us that God delights in us who put our hope in his unfailing love.
When you read the lists of all the wonderful things God does for his people, it makes you so glad you are on His side. We can rejoice because God chooses to honor us, heal us, give us victory. No wonder the last psalm is one of total praise.
Let everything that has breath praise You Lord!

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