Friday, July 15, 2016

Fri.’s Devo- God Establishes

Read: Isaiah 18 - 23
Today’s reading was long and sad. The nations were being judged for their sin and God used Ethiopia and the Assyrians to do it through. The people of Ethiopia were a dark-skinned people and Ethiopia means “black”. They were sent to judge Egypt for all its idolatry. I found it funny that God sent Egypt a “spirit of foolishness” that made their politicians make foolish decisions. Then I related it to America and didn’t think it was so amusing.
I want to concentrate on Isaiah 22 about Jerusalem since they would be a type of God’s people today. The people are in a panic because God had sent confusion and terror. He calls Jerusalem the “Valley of Vision”. God accused them of never asking him for help or considering the One who planned this long ago. When God asked them to repent and cry out to the Lord, they danced and partied instead. So God said they would not be forgiven and their life would be one of judgment.
Then God spoke out against the king’s treasurer, Shebna. His name means “who built”. He spent his life building monuments to honor himself but God was going to violently relieve him and have him replaced by Eliakim. Eliakim means “God built”. It is God saying that he is going to tear down everything made with human ambition and establish his plan on the earth. He would going to give to this man, Eliakim the key to the house of David and he would be able to open doors, no one would be able to shut and close doors, no one would be able to open. His family would have honor and position, even the lowest of members. What a picture of what God is doing now in the land. He is tearing down the financial and political system and building his standard on the earth. He is giving his true church the key to the house of David. So we need to allow God to establish our future and plant us where he wants us to be.
Lord, we want to be like Eliakim. Help us to not trust in what we can do, but wholly trust in your hand to build and establish us.

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