Monday, July 11, 2016

Mon.’s Devo - The Power of the Word

Read: Ps. 119
Psalm 119 is a very strategically written psalm. It is divided into twenty- two parts or stanzas which are titled with the twenty- two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza contains eight verses, and the first letter of each verse is the letter by which it is named. Its main theme is praises of God's Word. It tells us how to use the Word, and gives prayers for using it correctly. It also talks about the wicked who despise it. There are only two verses (Ps 119:122, 132) which do not mention God's Word.
Samuel had told Saul when he became king that he and all the kings after him were to write the whole law out as a way of learning what it said. I can’t think of a more powerful tool God has given us than his Word. It is our instruction and according to John 1, it is Jesus.
We should treasure this book. I can’t imagine what it was like before the printing press when people didn’t own a Bible. They had to rely on the reading of the Word in the sanctuary. I am so thankful for the age we live in where we can pick up our phones and read the Word. It is in easy-to-read versions, on tape, put to movies…it’s everywhere. We are truly without excuse to read God’s Word. It is our life manual. It is so powerful, you don’t have to understand it with your mind to benefit from its promises. If you are having trouble reading it, try reading it out loud. That way you have more than one sense working for you. It is the spirit of the Word that breathes life in us so don’t worry if you don’t understand it in your mind; your spirit will be nourished. God is so much higher than us and He is constantly baffling me. He is truly a mystery worth seeking out.
Lord, help us to have a hunger for your Word. Open our spirits to understand what you are trying to speak to our hearts. We love your Word.

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