Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sat.’s Devo - The Very Last Days

Read: Isaiah 24-27, 29
I have been reading the “Left Behind” series and am on the next to the last book, “Armageddon”. Reading these scriptures today is just a continuum of what I have been reading. Isaiah is speaking of an event that began around 740 B.C. but he is also speaking prophetically about the end of the age. He says that the Lord will devastate the surface of the earth and scatter the people. It will be completely emptied and looted. The earth will suffer for the sins of its people because they have twisted the Word and violated its laws and broken God’s covenant. This is the price they must pay for their sin.
In the last day, God will punish the gods in the heavens (Satan and his demons) and the proud rulers of the nations on earth (the unbelievers who hated God).
To God’s people, he will be a tower of refuge to the poor, a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat. He describes a banquet he will spread for all His people. This could be the Banquet Feast of the Lamb. Death will be swallowed up forever which was the last enemy Jesus would defeat.
We will be so glad that we trusted in the Lord, even when it seemed he had forgotten us. He was saving the best for last! In the last verse of Isaiah 27, he speaks of the great trumpet that will sound.
In Isaiah 29, God pronounces a curse on the false church who had a form of godliness but denied the power behind it. They worshiped God their way and saw him through their unsanctified eyes. They never knew Him. They didn’t know he was all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-powerful. They will on that day.
The flip side of that day is that the blind will see, the deaf will hear, and joy will fill the humble. Justice will be meted out to the sinner but grace will be extended to the children of God. All will stand in awe of God’s holiness.
Lord, we look forward to the day when we will be forever with you but we pray that our days left on this earth will be filled with pouring our lives out for those that are lost.

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