Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thur.’s Devo - The Trials of Leaders

Read: Numbers 16-18
Every aspiring leader should study the life of Moses. To be a leader you must be able to stand rejection, persecution and rebellious followers. Moses had his share of trials and today we read of another.
It seems that Izhar was the second son of Kohath who had for some unrecorded reason lost his position to his brother Amram who was fourth in line. This might have been the start of his discontentment. Then, the Ruebenite tribe who were the first born tribe of Jacob had been supplanted by the Levite tribe and to top it off, the tribe of Judah was to march first, not them. They allowed those roots of jealousy and entitlement to grow until it cost them their lives. They not only rebelled against the leader God set up but against God himself. Bitterness will blind you to truth and good judgment. Moses interceded for them and saved God from destroying the whole lot and only the offenders and their families got swallowed up in the earth.
God wanted to settle the argument once and for all about who he chose to be his priests so he had all the tribal leaders bring a staff that they had personally inscribed their name. The one that sprouted would be the one He chose. The next day, Aaron’s not only sprouted but it had full blooms and ripe almonds.
It is easy to find fault with leaders especially in the church. It is not our job to point out their faults or scrutinize their walk. God is more than able to expose what He wants to expose and discipline his children. The rod stands for our authority. The man God chooses will have authority in God and that authority should bear fruit. If it doesn’t, God will prune it. He doesn’t need our help.
In reading the responsibilities of the priests I think it is worth pointing out that they had to pay tithes of the tithes of the people. They had to give to God their very best.
Lord, may we encourage and honor the men you have placed over us both spiritually and in the natural. We pray that they would walk worthy of the calling you have called them to and be strengthened by our support and love.

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