Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sat.’s Devo - Live By the Spirit

Read: Deuteronomy 3:21-5
Moses had pleaded with the Lord to let him enter the promised land but God would not change his decision. He did let him go up on a mountain and see what the promised land looked like from afar.
Moses’ instructions from the Lord to those entering the promised land was to obey all his instructions and not add or subtract from them. How the priests have done this. They call it the Mismah. Each priest gets to add his understanding of the law and add to it. God said that if they obeyed his laws completely, they would display wisdom and intelligence that would be evident to all the nations around them. We have seen that through the ages. Some of the greatest scientists, inventors, and scholastic minds have come from Jewish people. He also told them not to let their memories of what God did and told them to escape from their minds but to teach them to their children and their grandchildren. Moses reminded them of what God did on Mt. Sinai and how they heard God’s voice. He also told them that when they forget God’s laws and fall away, all they have to do is call out to God and he will come to their rescue. God is merciful and promises not to abandon them or destroy them or forget his covenant with them. If they obey God’s laws they will enjoy a long life in the land the Lord is giving them. Moses read the law to them again.
This is still a promise to us. We are saved by grace and are free to live how we want. If we choose to live by our fleshly desires, we will reap the consequences here on earth which won’t be good. If we, because of our love for God and his son, allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify us and we live a righteous life then God will bless us.
Lord, we choose to be sanctified and live our lives unto you according to your plans. Help us to die to our flesh and live according to the Spirit.

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