Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sun.’s Devo - Moses’ Parting Song and Prayer

Read: Deut. 31:30-32: Ps. 90
God told Moses that the children of Israel would rebel from following God and follow the gods of the people they were to destroy. So he taught them a song that prophesied exactly what would happen. This song was to teach them the discipline of the Lord and what to expect. The first verse praises God and explains who he is and about his ways. God is glorious and his deeds are perfect. He is a God of truth without sin. He is just and right.
Then he tells them what they will do with their lives. They will rebel and not follow his decrees or plans. Even though God made them and set them apart to be his special people, guided and molded them into his people, they will reject his Lordship and go their own way. They will worship foreign gods and offer sacrifices to demons. He calls them a twisted generation, a children without integrity.
Then, God expresses his anger towards their sin. It blazes like a fire and will devour their crops. God will shoot down disasters like arrows and weaken them with famine, disease and fever. He will send wild beasts and snakes to kill them. The sword will kill what is left.
We always talk about God’s love, but God is also very jealous over our affection. He wants us to love him more than any thing he has created. He is the creator of it all.
God anguishes over their decisions. He wishes they could understand how wonderful he is and how much he loves them. He longs for us to get the big picture which is so much bigger than we can see. In the last verse of his song he prophesies of a man, Jesus, who all heaven (and the Gentiles) will worship. This man will take renege against God’s enemies and cleanse his people’s land.
When Moses finished his song, he reminded the people that these instructions were not empty words but they were their life. By obeying them they would live a long enjoyable life. In his psalms he prayed that God would teach us to realize the brevity of life so that we may grow in wisdom.
Lord we pray with Moses, that our children would see you work again and see your glory. And, may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful.

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