Friday, July 31, 2015

Fri.’s Devo - The Plan of God

Read: Isa. 59-63
I don’t know of any of the prophets that prophesied more of Christ’s coming than Isaiah. When there was no intercessor so God sent Jesus who put on righteousness as a breastplate and salvation as his helmet. He was clothed in vengeance and zeal for God.
In chapter 60, it says that Jesus will come when the world is full of darkness. He will arise in light and the Gentiles will be drawn to the light. Jerusalem, once again will become a city lifted up. After the fulness of the Gentiles have come in, the Jews will be gathered to the Lord. The kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdoms of our God.
Isaiah 61 starts with the description of Jesus’ first mission to earth. Jesus read this back to the people when he stood up in the synagog in Luke 4:18.
Isaiah 62 is all about the Jew coming to the Lord. Those who saw themselves forsaken and desolate shall be called delightful and married to the Lord. Jerusalem will become a praise in the earth. - a city not forsaken.
After God redeems his people, he will bring judgment and salvation. Salvation to those who called upon his name and judgment to his enemies.
Lord, your plan is beyond our comprehension so let us live the part we are to play in your great story.

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