Friday, July 10, 2015

Fri.’s Devo - Produce Good Grapes

Read: Isaiah 5-8
Isaiah sangs a song about Uzziah who built vineyards and towers then desecrated the temple by burning incense in it only to become leprous and have to be carried out of the temple. God had blessed Judah and it brought forth wild grapes instead of good grapes. Now, God was taking down the hedge of protection and its enemies would trample it down. (Sounds like America.) Their prosperous times were over and inflation would hit. Men would be driven to drink and party. The people would go into captivity because they didn’t know or honor the Lord. Many would die and many humbled. But it would be worse for those who refused to learn the lesson.
When the pride of Judah, Uzziah died, Isaiah had his most profound encounter with the Lord. He saw the Lord in his glory and it totally undid him. He saw his sin against the glory of God. Then a seraphim flew from the altar with a coal in his hand and laid this hot coal on Isaiah’s mouth and cleansed his sin. He heard a voice saying, “whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” and Isaiah offered to go. God told Isaiah he was sending him to shut the eyes and ears and understanding of the people. What a weird request only it was the same kind of people that Jesus was sent to. That is why Jesus only taught in parables. He knew their hearts so he confused them and left them wondering.
Isaiah was to speak to these people so they wouldn’t understand until their land was totally desolate. But God promised that a tenth, a remnant would return and from that remnant would God’s holy seed be born.
God raised up Syria and Israel to conspire against Judah and planned to set their king, Tabeal over Judah. “Tabeal” means “good for nothing.” God promised Isaiah that their plans would not stand and what they had planned against Judah would return to them. Then Isaiah told King Ahaz to ask God for a sign and Ahaz refused because he said he didn’t want to tempt the Lord. Isaiah rebuked him for wearying the Lord by not asking for a sign. He told him that God would indeed give him a sign. He then prophesied the virgin birth of Jesus, Emanuel, God with us. When this happens Israel and Syria will lose their kings because the King of Kings has arrived!
Lord, we welcome Your word, Your prophets and Your signs. They are everywhere so please take off our blinders and let us see. Forgive us for producing wild grapes and cleanse our lips.

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