Saturday, August 1, 2015

Sat.’s Devo - The Final Words of Isaiah

Read: Isaiah 64-66
Isaiah 64 is our prayer today, that God would rend the heavens and come back. Jesus is coming back for a people who love his returning, not those that love this life. We all have future plans on earth, but nothing on this earth is worth having compared to what God has prepared for us after he comes. When the church recognizes her sin compared to the holiness of God, we will see true repentance. I know I need a revelation of God’s holiness in my own life.
Isaiah 65 is talking about the rejection of the Jews and the coming in of the Gentiles. In the end, Israel will come back to the Lord and accept his son, Jesus as their Messiah. God will create new heavens and a new earth and we will not remember the sorrow of this earth. Death will be defeated and man will enjoy the fruit of his labor with no fear of harm. God will answer us before we can ask and peace will reign over the new earth.
Isaiah 66 speaks of a judgment to the wicked and a reward
to God’s righteous. I truly believe that we can live beyond our time. If we are saved, we are living in the New Testament, the new covenant. If we can see it, we can live in the millennium and experience the promises of it right now. Many of the prophets did just this. David saw God as his father and Solomon saw him as his lover. They lived far beyond their time. We can too. Few will see this, but a remnant will catch it and see the glory of God in this life. I want to be that person.
Lord, expand our vision and our faith to live all the promises of your Word.

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