Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tues.’s Devo - Israel’s Future According to Hosea

Read: Hos. 8-14
Israel thought her idols would prosper her and for a while it looked like they were, but Satan is the great liar and deceiver. He will give you what you want for a season just long enough to hook you, then he will withdraw that prosperity. This is what Israel was experiencing. God had removed His blessing from the people and things were starting to die and diffuse.
The watchmen that used to be God’s men were replaced by false watchmen so they couldn’t adequately protect the people. A watchman is a prophet that can see into the future and tell what is coming. Their watchmen had no discernment of truth so their predictions were totally man-made and false.
Israel reminded the people of the time when they were weak and helpless and needed God. God came to their rescue and saved them from the oppression of Egypt and led them through the wilderness and taught them His ways and His laws. They became ungrateful and fell into sin. They backslid and did every evil thing they learned from the people that were suppose to be their enemies.
Ephraim became a people of merchants who learned worldly principles and conducted their business with fraud and deceit. They worshipped the god of Providence. Their abuse of God’s favor led to punishment.
To the remnant God would show mercy. Those who sought God’s face would turn their anger to mercy and love. They would turn from their idols to serve the one true God.
We could change the name of Israel to America and it would all fit. Lord, please have mercy on Israel and America and turn our hearts back to you. Help us to abhor evil and love what is good. Give us discernment to know right from wrong.

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