Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thurs.’s Devo - Babylon’s Judgment

Read: Is. 13-17
Babylon was destroyed by the Medes and the Persians just as Daniel saw in his dream. No one in Babylon could believe the prophets that told them they would one day fall but it happened. God fought against them and there was no mercy. Sin is measured and when the cup is full, God brings judgment. Medes means “measured”. Persia means “he divided”. Daniel 5:28 says that God divided the kingdom of Babylon and gave it to the Medes and Persians. This is also a picture of spiritual Babylon being destroyed in the end of time. Babylon means “confusion” which has been the devil’s strategy from day one. He confused Eve at the tree and he has deceived ever since.
Chapter 14 talks about the remnant that will be given the land and rest from all their sorrows, fear and bondage. Lucifer, the morning star, will be judged and thrown to hell. Lucifer was once a son of God (Job 1:6) who wanted God’s place so he like Absalom rebelled and tried to usurp God’s throne. He was defeated and thrown to earth. He has been roaming about the earth and heaven ever since. In the end he will be thrown into the bottomless pit.
Isaiah’s prophecy to the Moabites took place in three years which gave validity to the other prophecies of Isaiah. Moab’s chief cities were surprisingly attacked and they fled to their idols for comfort. Famine followed war and many died.
Moab means “who’s father?” Moab was born of an incestrial relationship between Lot and his daughter. He had no traditional father. This is the people whose father is not God. Today Moab is modern Jordan.
In Chapter 16, Isaiah tells Moab to repent and do what is right.
In Chapter 17, Isaiah gives Damascus their word. They will be judged for their idolatry also. Verse seven shows us God’s desire in judgment. It is so that we will look up and see our maker and worship him.
Lord, we repent for our nation and pray that we will look up and worship You before it is too late. I know You delight in mercy over judgment.

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