Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tues.’s Devo - Micah’s Prophecies

Read: Micah 1-7
Micah prophesied over the span of three kings of Judah. Each chapter is a different prophesy. The first one has to do with the religious places of worship for Judah and Jerusalem. Israel’s high place is Samaria and it had become corrupt and full of idols. Judah worshipped in Jerusalem and stayed closest to the law, but they had become idolatrous, too.
In chapter 2 Micah condemns the evil man who preys upon his fellow man. God’s people had become an enemy to God because of their evil ways. As always, God promises to gather the remnant and lead them into his sheepfold.
In chapter 3 Micah condemns the kings of Judah and Israel because they loved evil and hated good. He condemned the prophets because they prophesied prosperity and good when they were headed for judgment and destruction.
Chapter 4 is a “last days” prophesy. In the last days people will do what it takes to be taught of the things of the Lord. War will be no more. Fear will be gone. God will gather his elect from the earth and be their king.
Chapter 5 is the picture of what God will do to the enemies of His people.
Chapter 6 is God’s plea to his people. He reminds them of who he is and all he has done for them. He tells them that all he requires of them is to live justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.
Chapter 7 is about the harvest and fruit. Jesus said much about fruit. If we don’t bear fruit then God takes it away…we die. If we do bear fruit then he will purge us so we’ll bear more. We have a misconception that our fruit is how many people we get into the kingdom but that is not what the Bible teaches. The fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. If we produce this fruit then it will multiply souls into the kingdom automatically.
Lord, may we have the fruit that remains, and may our fruit further your kingdom.

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