Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sun.’s Devo - Victory Over Our Enemies

Read: Ps. 108-110
David was such a great leader and took his job seriously. He prayed for his nation and the people in it. He was determined to rid his people of their enemies. David’s reign is a picture of the Christian life. We should be getting rid of the enemies in our lives like envy, strife, fear, intimidation, unforgiveness, and pride. David, as our example, always goes to the Lord for help because he realizes the help of man is vain. It is God that triumphs over our enemies.
In Psalm 109, David describes the tactic of the enemy. He hates without a cause, he rewards evil for good, hatred for love. He shows no mercy and persecutes the poor and needy and slays the broken hearted. He loves calling down curses on people and hates to bless them. He only knows how to speak evil. All that he has done will come back on him. David prays that the enemies curses will turn to a blessing. One day every enemy will be put under the feet of Jesus…even death. He will rule out of Jerusalem as a priest forever. Jesus will rid the earth of evil and we will reign with him. This year is the “turn around” year so let’s expect our circumstances to turn around for the good.
Lord, thank you for your great promises. You are the reason we live and it is in You that we trust. Slay our enemies and let us rejoice in Your salvation.

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