Monday, May 25, 2015

Mon.’s Devo - Offices in the Temple

Read: 1 Chron. 23-25
Before David died he made Solomon the king so there would be no mistake about his choice. David had promised Bathsheba that her son would be king to pay her back for the sin he did against her and he stayed true to his promise because God is true to his promise no matter how long it takes.
David had a meeting with all his administration which included the leaders of the land and the priests and workers in the Temple. He put 24,000 men in service to build the temple and set 6,000 men over them. Then he set 4,000 Levites as doorkeepers and 4,000 Levites to play the instruments he himself had made to praise God with. Aaron and Moses’ descendants were put over the most holy things which included burning the incense and ministering to the Lord. Aaron had two living sons: Eleazar and Itamar. Eleazar had 16 princes in his family tree and Itamar had eight. These men became the governors of the sanctuary and the house of God. They cast lots to see which month for the next two years they would serve. The list is in chapter 24.
Then David, the worshipper, to set Levites apart to prophesy in song and instruments. They actually made up the song as they sang it according to the spirit inside them. We have penned this as “harp and bowl” since David taught this technique. God wants us to sing fresh songs to Him from our heart.
I think it is interesting that one name on both lists means “talkative”. That makes me feel better!
Lord, thank you for showing us how important it is for us to not only sing songs to You that others have written but to prophesy with our songs what we think You want to do in our lives. Give us songs today to declare Your acts and Your plans. Let us sing Your Word.

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