Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sun.’s Devo - Learn From the Past

Read: Ps. 106-107
I’m going to start at the end. The last verse of 107 says, “Who is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.” We want to be wise and understand the so let’s observe what these verses are telling us. David is reminiscing over Israel’s past. They didn’t understand God and the wonders He did in Egypt or the many times God was so merciful to them. Their unbelief and lack of faith provoked God time and time again. Their faith would soar when God did something miraculous but would quickly wan when the first thing went wrong. They lusted for things they didn’t have and were ungrateful for the things they did. So God gave them what they wanted and it caused them to become even more spiritually depleted. They were jealous of their spiritual leaders and God had to judge them. If it had not been for Moses, God would have destroyed them. Once they got to the land God had promised them they grumbled and hated the land. They worshiped other gods and if not for the priest, Phinehas, they would have died of a plague. They didn’t destroy the nations in the land so the sins and gods of their enemies became their sins and gods.
Because God is long-suffering and merciful, he forgave them and delivered them when they would cry out to Him.
In Chapter 107, David sends out an appeal to his people to praise God for what He has done. Be thankful and acknowledge that God is good and He is our deliverer so worthy of our praise. He wants them to learn from the past. David reminds them that God leads us to blessings, he satisfies our soul, he saves us out of our trouble, he sends his word and heals us, and he quiets our storms.
Lord, may we remember all the things you have done and your goodness and mercy.

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