Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sat.’s Devo - Is it God or Satan?

Read: 2 Sam. 24; 1 Chron. 21-22; Ps. 30
I have never understood this story till now. It says in the first verse of 2 Samuel 24 that God was angry with Israel so he moved David to do something that would bring judgement on the people. I always looked at it as being David’s fault and the poor innocent people died because of his mistake but that was not the case. The people sinned and God wanted to punish them so he used David to do it through. God had given them instructions for numbering the people in Ex. 30:12-14. Everyone numbered was to give an offering to the Lord of half a shekel. This would keep them from having a plague. Obviously, the people or David didn’t know that law but ironically, David chose the plague. David felt like it was all his fault and cried out to the Lord for his people. God relented and stopped the plague right where he wanted so David would buy that piece of land which became the temple mount.
Chronicles is history as seen by the people and written down. To the people and the scribes they attribute David’s numbering to Satan. Satan can do nothing God doesn’t allow him or in this case send him to do. God uses Satan as his instrument just like he uses angels. Satan is totally under God’s authority…remember Job.
We can learn much from this story about God. David chose wisely when he chose to fall under God’s discipline rather than man’s. David chose the quick judgment that wouldn’t last a long time. He chose to fall into God’s hand because he knew His mercies were great. One of David’s great attributes was that he was quick to repent. He also wanted to pay for his own sins and not use his position to get him off the hook.
I also love that David doesn’t wallow in his shame and mistakes but he picks himself up and sets about the next task he is to do which is to prepare everything for the temple his son will build for the Lord. He not only prepares the physical equipment and provision but he tells his men to prepare their hearts and should to seek the Lord in building the temple.

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