Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tues.’s Devo - Merry Christmas!

Read Luke 1:35-37 I pray verse 35 over us, “that the Holy Ghost will come upon us, and the power of the Highest will overshadow us: also that the seed inside us will be the Son of God.” (paraphrased!) That was the tidings the angel brought to Mary, only the seed inside her would be the manifested, in-the-flesh Son of God. Before she could resist or faint with shock, the angel gave her something to build her faith. He told her that her barren cousin, Elisabeth was six months pregnant. Elisabeth and Mary were pictures of what God was doing. Elisabeth was barren just as Israel was spiritually barren but God was about to heal them and bring them life. Mary was not married, yet pregnant, which was another picture of Israel. Israel was not married to the Lord in her heart, yet God was going to bring her life - supernaturally. It has never been about our deserving what God is doing, but about his timing. It was time for Jesus to come to earth even though the earth was not ready for him. Today is Christmas, and even though few will even take time to think about Jesus, he is the reason for the holiday and he IS coming again. Like before, few will be ready, but the whole earth will be changed. Let’s let verse 37 be our theme for the next year: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” I pray that this word will speak to you over and over throughout the year when you are facing the “impossible”. Lord, prepare our hearts to receive Jesus when he comes again. Thank you for the promises of hope and resurrection in your Word. Happy Birthday, Jesus!

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