Friday, December 7, 2012

Fri.’s Devo - It All Has Meaning

Read Ex. 38:9-20 The court area was 100 cubits on the north and south side and 50 cubits on the east and west side. The north side of the court was to be filled with lots of twenties: twenty pillars, twenty brass sockets, etc. Twenty means separated and tried, or holy. The west and east side was filled with tens. Ten means something has been measured out for testing. This tabernacle was to be a holy structure to test their allegiance to Him. There were 15 hangings on either side of the gate. Fifteen means free; grace; sin covered. It had three pillars and three sockets. The number three means to conform to the image of the seed. (Read what God created on the 3rd day.) The brass signifies the Word of God, and silver - the knowledge of God. So all who entered into this place were to be conformed to God’s image and filled with the Word and knowledge of God. The curtains that hung in the gate were 20 by 5 cubits. Five is the number for “works”. So their works were to be holy. These beautifully crafted curtains had 4 pillars with brass sockets and silver hooks. Four means to rule and reign which God wanted to do forever for them. The pegs were made of brass. Everything about this structure had meaning - it all glorified God. Once the pin was put in the socket it looked like the cross. God thought of every clue he could give us. Lord, don’t let us neglect your signs to us. Let everything about us glorify you just as everything about the tabernacle glorified you.

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