Monday, December 31, 2012

Mon.’s Devo- Zaccariah’s Prophecy

Read Luke 1:65-80 God did a great sign and wonder in front of the whole synagogue that day to prepare the people for what was coming. This was just the tip of the iceberg. God was going to invade earth with miracles, signs and wonders like the earth had never seen before. When Zaccariah’s speech was returned to him he was filled with the Holy Spirit and gave forth this prophecy (68-79) about his son John. This baby was the proof that God was once again visiting his people to fulfill the words of the prophets of old. They prophesied that God would save them from their enemies and pour out his mercy and remember his promises he spoke through Abraham. He said that one day they would serve the Lord in holiness and righteousness. This child will be called the prophet of the Highest for he would prepare the way for the Lord to come. John would explain the salvation the Lord would bring of taking their sins away. This salvation would give light to those who lived in darkness and a way to walk in peace. John grew and was empowered spiritually. He lived in the deserts till God was ready to reveal him to the world. This reminds me of Moses, who left Egypt the first time and went and dwelt in the wilderness till God had grown him up in his inner man to be able to stand when it was time to return and lead his people out of bondage. There are times God leads us away from all the business of church and friends just to grow us up so that we can enter back in with power and fortitude to stand the tests he has for us. It is tempting to feel unuseful and condemned during this time, but don’t. Let God draw you to himself, dig into his Word and let him feed you with spiritual food that will sustain you when the time comes that you will need it. We need to learn to rest in the Lord. Lord, help us to take moments of time during our business and get away with you and be still and know that you are God.

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