Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tues.'s Devo - Correction or Rebellion

Read Pr. 29:1
We all hate to be corrected even though that is how we learn and the Bible says that it is a sign that God loves us. But, when we keep getting corrected we have a choice of changing or hardening our heart and rebelling. If we do harden our hearts we will be destroyed beyond help. 1 Sam 15:23 says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. I get tired of having to learn the same lesson over and over but I think I have the wrong perspective. When we go through a trial and learn a lesson we have to keep practicing that lesson so we won't forget it. It is like school. You are not taught math only one year and never revisit it and expect to retain it. You are retaught it year after year and more skills are added each year. That is the same way with spiritual lessons. We might think we have learned forgiveness till we are given a much harder situation which will require us to use more of what we have given in the past. Everything we go through is to make us stronger and more perfect in Christ.
"God of grace, who has called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after we have suffered a while, make us perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle us." 1Pet. 5:10

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