Monday, May 2, 2011

Mon.'s Devo -Drip, Drip, Drip

Read Pr. 27:14-16
There are some things that irritate us so much we lose any good that was suppose to come from them. One of them is given in verse 14. A blessing given early in the morning with a loud voice becomes a curse. That could be said of other things we do out of their timing. To witness to a person that is not ready is like that. Sometimes our best intentions can be mistrewd as bad if given in the wrong timing or setting. God has entrusted us with the greatest treasure on earth but we are to be wise when and where to share it. But a word spoken in the right season is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
The next two verses talk about the contentious woman. A contentious woman is anyone who is always picking a fight or correcting what you say. They are like the continual dropping of water that drives you crazy. They are predictable but irritating. To try to change her would be like trying to stop the wind or hide anointing oil on your hand. They both are stronger and obvious. I have found that people who have a contentious spirit don't even realize what they are doing. They think they are helping when they are really destroying.
Lord, show us when we are being pretentious and out of your timing. Let us be as the sons of Issachar who could discern the times.

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