Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thur.s' Devo -Face to face

Read Pr. 27:19
Before everyone had a mirror they used water to see their reflection. I can't imagine putting on my eye liner looking into a bowl of water. There is one thing to say about the mirror: it doesn't lie. It reveals your face. Our heart is the same way; it reveals to us what is in it. Yesterday I had my heart revealed to me. I was in Hobby Lobby and there was an older lady checking out ahead of me. She had a tupperware container with coins in it and had given the cashier some bills and was counting out some coins to her. She asked the lady if she had enough and she said, no. I was about to ask how much she needed and help out but first I looked at the cash register to see how much the total was. It was over $20 and all I saw her give the cashier was $5 so I kept my mouth shut. She left without getting what she wanted, what ever that was. When she left I asked the cashier how much she needed and she said over $5. I felt horrible. I would have been glad to give her $5 but missed my opportunity. Then I realized the test that I had failed was not that I didn't pay the $5 but that I wasn't willing to pay the $15. When I got to my car I couldn't get over my pettiness and repented, so I went back into the store with my money in hand to give it to her because I thought she had stayed shopping. I went down every aisle looking for her. I couldn't find her but I know God is going to give me another opportunity. I saw my heart face to face yesterday and was not proud of what I saw. But I saw my repentence and am grateful that God's mercies are new every morning. I'm going to be ready next time.
Lord, reveal to us our hearts that we may align our hearts with yours.

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