Friday, May 13, 2011

Fri.'s Devo - Save Our Land

Read Pr. 28:2
Sin contaminates the land. When Adam and Eve were cursed, so was the land. When a country turns from God the land is affected. Lev. 26 gives a vivid description of what happens to the land. Basically it goes into desolation. Unrighteous leaders lead a nation into idolatry and sin. The Old Testament is full of unrighteous leaders who lead their nation into sin. Eventually, the people suffered war, famine, homelessness, and poverty. But, one man who turns his heart to seek the Lord and rises up to lead a nation can drastically change the environment. Nehemiah came back to Jerusalem and built the wall so that the people could once again return and start living there. David rose up in the midst of idolatry and sin and was a man after God's own heart. He fought the enemies brought on by Saul's unrighteous reign so that Solomon could enjoy years of peace and prosperity. It only takes one man to prolong the sentence of judgment on a nation. Hezekiah repented and prayed that God would not judge them and God prolonged his judgment till after his death.
Lord, we need you to be the Lord of our nation. Raise up Godly leaders to lead our nation back to you. Forgive us for the sin of our land.

Lord, thank you for endurance. Help us to be bold as lions and not run from adversity but to stand, or fight if we need to.

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