Monday, February 14, 2011

Mon's Devo - Hear the Words of the Wise

Read Pr. 22:17-21
To hear wisdom we have to be humble. It is not always easy to take advise or wisdom from someone especially if we have a pride issue. I know I do. I had a hard time receiving advise from my parents and my friends because I wanted to know everything or at least make people believe I did. I found out that some of the best responses to questions are "I don't know". I guess that is why today's scripture says to "bow down" our ear to hear wisdom. It also says we have to "apply our heart" which means to place our heart in a place where we can embrace what is going to be taught us. We can sit in a class room all day and not get anything out of it if our heart is not wanting to learn. But if our heart is hungry, then we will absorb more than the teacher is teaching because we are allowing the Holy Spirit to bring life to the words and apply them to our hearts. Then we can in turn, teach them to others. God wants to put his words in our hearts and in our lips but we have to be emptied of our self.
Lord, empty us of ourselves and our pride. Help us to be your oracle to all that we meet so that they may trust in you.

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