Friday, February 4, 2011

Fri.'s Devo - Cast Out the Scorner

Read Pr. 22:10, 11
We don't use the word "scorner" in our society so I looked it up in the dictionary. It meant someone who acts with contempt, so I looked up "contempt". I was happier with that definition. It meant "the feelings or actions of a person toward someone or something he considers low, worthless, or beneath notice; the punishable act of showing disrespect for the authority or dignity of a court." If we find ourselves feeling that way we are to cast out those thoughts and seek peace. It is so much easier to see the bad in things and how we could make it better than to see the good in things and ways we could encourage. I found myself talking to a man the other day that had something bad to say about everything. I found myself wanting to get away from him. Looking back over the situation I wonder if I do that sometimes. We tend to look for things to complain about when we aren't content with our own lives. Verse 11 gives us some insight in how to change that. It says that if we love to have a pure heart then our conversation will be gracious and give us favor with the leadership. Encouraging words are like soothing oil especially in the world we live in today where many are fearful and hopeless.
Lord, we cast out the scorner in our lives and we seek to have a pure heart and to speak words of faith and encouragment.

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