Friday, October 15, 2010

Fri.'s Devo - The Answer

Read Pro. 16:1
It is God that prepares our heart for what he has destined our lives to be. The word "preparations" in the Hebrew means "mental disposition". God gives us our mental disposition. We can distort this by allowing evil into our lives or we can cause it to flourish if we eat the Word of God and meditate on God. He will give us what to say and how to answer. Our tongues are literally instruments that can be a fork of flame or a cove of water. We can cut into someones soul or we can bring a well of healing. Sometimes people need a cut and sometimes they need a well. My daughter-in-law had gone to her best friend and confronted her about her walk. The friend confronted immediately cut off the relationship and ended the friendship. Several years later my daughter-in-law received an e-mail from this friend asking her forgiveness and telling her that she had been the best friend she had ever had because she had cared enough to confront her with the truth. This is an example of a fork of flame. Other times we are to bring healing with an encouraging word. People desperately need some hope and encouragement. The key is knowing when to be the fork and when to be the cove.
Lord, prepare our hearts so that out of our bellies will flow rivers of living water.

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