Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wed.'s Devo -The Right Way

Read Pro. 14:12
The best plan man can come up with only leads to death. Only Jesus can give us eternal life. Our plans may seem wise and right but if they aren't God's plans they may seem to work for a while but in the end they will only die. I am reading in Jeremiah and Jeremiah keeps prophesying the destruction of Jerusalem and the takeover by the Babylonians. God told Jeremiah to tell King Jehoiakim to surrender to the king of Babylon or he would burn the whole city to the ground and kill them. Jeremiah sent his written prophecy to the king and as soon as the reader would finish a sentence the king would have it cut out of the parchment and thrown into the fire as if his burning it would kill the word on it. God told Jeremiah to write it again and add all the terrible things that would happen to the king if he didn't surrender to the Babylonians when they came. Sure enough he died before Jerusalem was captured but his son was king by then and when the Babylonians came he tried to escape. He was caught and tortured and taken to Babylon in chains just as Jeremiah had prophesied. You can not fight what God has decreed. God's ways are perfect even if they aren't comfortable.
Lord, help us to know your plans and trust them even if we don't understand them.

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