Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tues.'s Devo- Deflecting Arrows

Read Pro. 15:1-5
We have all had people attack us and it is not comfortable. Words are so very important and carry power. We can deflect the enemy by speaking tenderly when he tries to make us mad. Our arrow is a soft answer. It unarms the enemy and calms the atmosphere. To respond in like manner is to play the devil's game and he is better at his game than we are. He is the master of argument but he doesn't know what to do with kindness. We can use our tongue for death or life. Those who chose to walk in the spirit will speak knowledge rightly and their words will bring life and healing. God has surrounded us with people that speak the truth and can instruct us in righteousness. The fool stirs up anger, speaks foolishly, and is perverted in every sense. Fools despise instruction and demand on doing things their way. God is all knowing and omnipresent. He watches and sees everything and he deals with justice and righteousness with everyone.
One place where we have the hardest time with our temper is in our car. I have had people flip me off, yell at me and get way too upset over small things like pulling out in front of them and making them slow down for a second. But, I love to smile at someone who does that to me and give them grace. Why are we in such a hurry to be the first one to the red light? We major on the minors. I do believe in being a conciderate driver and some times I understand why the other guy might be upset with me but we need to lighten up and learn to be courteous and gracious. One second of our time might mean sharing or losing your testimony.
Lord, give us your grace to slow down and speak softly. Make us conscious of what we say and what we do. Our lives are your testimony and we want to honor you in all that we do.

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