Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - Brittle Bones and Healed Hearts

Read Pro. 14:30
A person who has a heart that has been healed and is whole will not envy or be jealous. A healed heart can love without fear of being hurt or rejected. A whole heart is what we are to love God with and anything less of that is not the best. The person with a cured heart can help someone else be whole. Having a healed heart keeps you healthy in every other area of your life. Your emotions play a big part of your physical health. You can link every illness with an emotion and the Bible is the source of those remedies. This verse says that if you have envy it will cause your bones to be decayed and rotten. That will cause them to break easily. If you have brittle bones that are easily broken then maybe you need to deal with the sin of envy. It is hard not to compare yourself with others who have seemingly been given more, but the best rewards and things you can be given are wisdom, understanding, love and peace. They all come from God. Material things are just that - material. The things God gives are eternal. They go on into the next life. They are worth more than gold or silver so don't compare yourself to others but press into God who is the source of everything good.
Lord, we look to you to heal our hearts and cleanse us of envy and jealousy. Give us an insatiable hunger for the more weightier things like a pure heart.

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