Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tues.'s Devo - God's Tabernacle

Read Pro. 14:11
I find it interesting that the wicked has a house and the righteous has a tabernacle. The word "house" in the Hebrew refers to a family and their residence; something built where a tabernacle is a covering or tent that shines from a distance and is conspicuous. The whole house and family of the wicked will be destroyed one day where the testimony and life of the upright will break forth and spread. Matthew writes that we are to be lights and a city set on a hill so all can see. God literally does that for those he wants to use to show the world his glory. We are an extension of his glory and he will set on high those who know his name (Ps. 91:14). In the Old Testament feasts the last feast was the Feast of Tabernacles. During this time of celebration they were to build booths of branches and spend the week sleeping in them. They would lay and look at the stars through the branches and talk to their families about heaven. The booth was to represent the temporary home they live in on earth as they gazed at their eternal home in heaven. God longs to tablernacle with his people and make their hearts his home.
Lord, may we spend our days building an eternal home with you that you can raise up on high and show your glory to the world.

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