Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wed.'s Devo - The Mock Trial

Read John 19:1-6
Everything about the trial of Jesus was a farce. Rome was know for its justice. One of their main gods was Janus. A replica of him sat on every Roman official's desk. He had two faces one that looked forward and one that looked back. Janus is where we get our word "January" because January looks back over the last year and forward to the next. It was to remind them to look at both sides of the question. They were not honoring Janus in Jesus' case.
Pilate had Jesus scourged, humiliated and beaten and proclaimed him innocent. That does not sound like justice to me. He then presented Jesus to the Jews with a crown of thorns and a royal robe on thinking this would placate them, but they screamed instead, "Crucify him." Pilate told them to take him and do it themselves because, for the third time, he found no fault in Jesus.
The reason the Jews couldn't kill Jesus himself was that their law required them to stone him and the scriptures had prophesied that he would be crucified. They were fulfilling scripture and if they had know it they would have tried to figure out another way of death.
In the story of the passover the lamb was to be brought into the house and examined for days to make sure it was spotless and had no blemish. This is the process Jesus is going through. Pilate could not find a blemish on him but still had to crucify him to fulfill scripture. It makes me wonder who are going to be the players in future prophecy. I wonder if they are already in place. Lord, make us ready for your return.

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