Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday's Devo - The Pain of Denial

Read John 18:25-27
Peter has just denied Jesus and Jesus has just testified to the truth. Peter's denial got him entrance into the yard. Jesus' truth got him a slap in the face. Now as Peter stands by the fire another servant asks him if he was one of Jesus' disciples to which he denies for the second time. He is then approached by a kinsman of the soldier that he cut off the ear of and asked if he was in the garden. He denies Jesus for the third time and the cock immediately crows. Matthew says he went out and wept bitterly. The word used here for wept means to wail and sob aloud. Luke tells us that when Peter denied him the third time Jesus turned and looked at him. Then Peter remembered what he had prophesied about him.
That had to have pained Jesus to hear Peter deny him. How did Peter go from cutting an ear off to defend Jesus to denying him 3 times? Peter who was to stand for the church is wishy-washy just like the church is. James says that an unstable man is unstable in all his ways. But those whose foundation is the Lord's will stand strong till the end. Peter did get it right in the end and learned from his mistakes and the church will too. If there is one thing that God doesn't give up on it is his church. He didn't give up on Peter and he won't give up on you either.
Lord, help us in our weaknesses. We desire to follow you even to death but need your grace to do that. Pour out a great measure of grace on your church for these last days.

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