Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tue's. Devo - In my name...ask!

Read John 14: 7-20
Jesus had spend over 3 years telling and showing his disciples that he is in God and God is in him only to have Philip ask him to show them God. How exasperating to Jesus. It is amazing to me that Jesus didn't lose his temper but he didn't. He tells Philip that if he can't believe what he says at least believe his works. But to those who do believe on Jesus, they will do even greater works than what Jesus did. Wow! I am still waiting to see that in my life. Then he says w-h-a-t-s-o-e-v-e-r you shall ask in my name, that I WILL DO! He says it twice: if you ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
Then he throws in this verse: If you love me, keep my commandments. It is like giving you a visa card with unlimited balance and saying, "use it but if you love me you will use it according to all I have taught you".
Next he gives us the promise of something greater than the visa card; he promises to send us the Holy Spirit. He calls him the Comforter which interprets intercessor, consoler, advocate that will abide with us forever. He is the spirit of everything that is true. He is invisible and can only be accessed by those who know and receive him. He will testify that Jesus and the Father are one and that Jesus is in us and us in him.
Jesus tells us over and over to ask for things. The Devil has tricked us into thinking God is too busy to worry about our little piddling lives or we are being selfish to ask for anything, or who are we that God would give us anything. What a lie. God is never too busy to be involved in our lives. He has written every one of our days in a book. He is intimately involved in us, his creation. It is not selfish. When we are blessed he is glorified. We are God's prized possession. This whole earth is about his plan and it involves us. We are an intrical part. We need to realize that so we will live our lives with purpose and meaning.

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