Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thurs.'s Devo - The Expedient

Read John 12:1-8
So I was wrong on Tues. Mary anointed Jesus feet after Lazareth was raised from the dead. Sorry.
Mary was not the first to anoint Jesus with oil. There was a woman in Luke 7 that anointed Jesus head with expensive ointment and washed his feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. He was in Simon's house who was a Pharisee. He was pondering in his heart why Jesus couldn't discern that she was a sinner since he claimed to be a prophet. While he was thinking this, Jesus told him the parable about the two debtors who owed different amounts of money. Their creditor forgave them both. Jesus asked Simon which one of them loved him the most and he replied the one that was forgiven the most. Jesus commended him on choosing the right answer then turned it on him and rebuked him for not doing what this woman was doing: washing his feet, kissing him, and anointing his head with oil. About the woman and said, "Her sins which were many, are forgiven; for she loved much; but to who little is forgiven the same loves little."
Verse 4 says that Simon was Judas Iscariot's father and Judas is also thinking only of himself. Neither of them honored Jesus or his worthiness. Judas was a vessel of destruction, a tool of the devil's. He was a thief like his father, the devil. The devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Judas turned Jesus over to be killed, he stole from Jesus and he was out to destroy God's plan. His end was not so good.
Notice the devil's tactic. He uses condemnation. Why are you wasting such expensive oil when you could give it to the poor? The devil always tries to condemn us with works. I love Jesus' response. It was not time to give money to the is time to anoint me for burial. My death will benefit every person rich and poor. God always sees the bigger picture. Lord, help us to see that not all things that look good are expedient. Teach us obedience in all we do.

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