Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tue.’s Devo- Looking Ahead -

Read: Numbers 14:1-15:16; Mark 14:53-72; Psalm 53:1-6; Proverbs 11:4
The whole community was sick with remorse but refused to accept the responsibility. Instead, they blamied Moses and formed a conspiracy against him. Joshua and Caleb did all they could to try to convince the people that God was more than able to take them into the land and give it to them, but they wanted to return to Egypt.
God, their father, had to discipline them for their rebellion and lack of faith. Their punishment was 40 years in the wilderness till they all died out. Then their children would march in and possess the land (with Joshua and Caleb).
The ten spies died immediately of a plague and a group of rebels decided to go in to Canaan anyway… without God. They learned really quickly that we could do nothing apart from God. They were killed.
God gave Moses instructions for sacrifices when they got into the land. God was thinking ahead to their victory. He was preparing for future.
In Mark, Jesus was led as a lamb to the slaughter and as a lamb is silent before its accusers, he spoke not a word. That is what Isaiah 53 prophesied about Jesus and that is exactly what he did. Jesus had already spoken his words of truth and lived the sinless life and that was his testimony. They could find nothing to accuse him of because there was nothing he had done but good.
When the high priest asked Jesus if he was the Messiah, he said the words, “I Am.” The same words God spoke to Moses when he asked him who he was. This made the high priest so mad he tore his clothes and pronounced him “guilty”. Jealousy killed Jesus.
Peter denied Jesus three times which just proved that without the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have no power against sin. Peter would turn into a bold and radical preacher once he received his gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts.
Lord, the theme of today is that we can do nothing apart from you and your Spirit. Thank you that you are always lookin ahead to what we are going to become instead of at our failures.

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