Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sat.’s Devo - The Good Heart

Read: Deuteronomy 9:1-10:22; Psalm 69:19-36; Proverbs 12:2-3
It is so interesting to hear God tell the children of Israel that he was not giving the land because they deserved, it because they didn’t. God was giving them the land because the inhabitants were so evil and he wanted someone else to occupy the land and because he had promised that land to Abraham and his descendants.
God reminded them of how angry he got when they rebelled and made the golden calf. He had wanted to destroy them and erase their name from under heaven but Moses interceded for them. Moses fasted for 40 days and nights praying for mercy for them.
Then Moses reminded them of all the times they made God angry: at the rock when they wanted water, when they complained of no meat and God sent quail, or when the Kohath family wanted to take over the priesthood and the leadership from Moses.
They had broken all of the Ten Commandments just like Moses did when he broke the first copy. Moses went back up to God and he gave him another chance. This was their second chance to obey and he was begging them to change their stubborn hearts and fear God. Moses tried to tell them that God was a good loving god and he is the only God. He had done great things for them and was worthy of their worship.
In Luke we learn that we are to pay attention to what we hear and how we hear it. The seed is God’s word and he scatters it everywhere. The soil is our heart and the condition of our heart determines how we process the seed. The chances of the seed bearing fruit also is contingent on where we are. If we are in the broad pathway we are walking on the broad road that leads to destruction so no wonder that Satan doesn’t steal that seed. The rocky soil is the road with stumbling stones all in it. That is a heart that has not rid itself of offenses but it full of unforgiveness. Rocks stand for words and our hearts can get so full of all the words people have said to us or about us or that we have said about ourselves. These rocks need to be removed so that the seed can have room to go deep enough for roots. The third soil is full of thorns. Thorns are curses, bitter roots and hatred. All of these things lead us to look to what others have, and want their stuff and their life. This eventually leads to strife and murder. The seed is crowded out of this heart.
The good soil is the heart that is honest and has not let the world consume it. That heart will be able to hold the seed and allow it to grow. Our Proverbs says it well: “the godly have deep roots.”
The result of the seed growing is that they will produce photosynthesis which is light! They will nourish anyone who comes in contact with them.

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