Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thur.’s Devo - Body, Soul, and Spirit

Read: Numbers 4:1-5:31; Mark 12:18-37; Psalm 48:1-14: Proverbs 10:26
The priest must be 30 years old to enter into the priesthood. Jesus entered into his ministry at thirty as our High Priest.
The three divisions of priests are explained further. The Kohathites had the duty of tending to the most sacred objects. Kohath means “waiting and obedient”. These represent those who wait on the Lord to renew their strength and bring the answer to their prayers. They are also obedient to do what he tells them while waiting. Notice, that they were cover the ark with its inner veil, then goatskin, then a blue cloth.
They were to spread a blue cloth, then a scarlet cloth then a goat skin cloth over the Bread of the Presence and its accessories.
The lamp stand and all its accessories were to be covered with blue cloth, then goatskin.
The altar of incense was to be was to be covered with a purple cloth but all its utensils were to be covered with goatskin.
Eleazar, the son of Aaron was responsible for the oil, incense, grain and anointing oil. He was the leader of all that the Kohathites did.
God’s presence was the ark so he was veiled in flesh (goatskin) and came from heaven (blue).
The Bread of God’s Presence was Jesus who came from heaven (blue) and shed his blood (scarlet) to identify with us (goatskin).
The lampstand is the revelation of God’s presence (blue) that is given to us (goatskin).
The altar of incense is the prayer of Jesus and his people. We are now royal priests to God (purple) even while we are flesh (goatskin).
Eleazar means “God is helper” who represents the Holy Spirit. He is in charge of anointing us with his Spirit and interceding through us.
The Gershonites were responsible for general service and carrying loads. The Merarites were only in charge of carrying loads.
These three clans represent our body (Merarites), soul (Gershonites) and spirit (Koathites). God is concerned with all three, but our first priority must be our spirit. Our soul will prosper as our spirit prospers and our body will prosper as our soul prospers. It is an inside to outside job!
The ritual of jealousy is super interesting. If a husband suspected his wife of adultery, he was to bring her to the priest and she had to drink this bitter water. The water was made of water and dust from the floor of the tabernacle. She had to proclaim a curse over herself and drink the water. If she was guilty her stomach would swell as if she was pregnant but her womb would shrivel and never produce a baby.
Jesus was called to judge a woman “caught in the very act of adultery”. She was doomed to die yet Jesus wrote in the dust and saved the woman from her deserved stoning. He sent her away fruitful. The law brings deserved death but grace brings undeserved redemption and life.
In Mark, Jesus corrected the Sadducees over their disbelief in the resurrection, explained the two commandments that sum up all the commandments and explained how the Messiah was not David’s son. The Messiah would be God’s son.
Lord, thank you for grace. May we live our lives to honor your grace that you have so freely given us.

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