Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thurs.’s Devo - The Mystery of Numbers

Read: Numbers 28:16-29:40; Luke 3:23-38; Psalm 62:1-12; Proverbs 11:18-19
God uses numbers like words. In the Hebrew alphabet every letter represents a number and a sign or picture. As I was reading today’s scripture in Numbers, I started writing down the numbers of the sacrifices in the margin. For instance, on Passover they were to offer 2 bull, 1 ram and 7 lambs. On Pentecost they were to offer the same number but when it came to the Feast of Trumpets that represents when Jesus will rapture his believers on the earth, the numbers changed. The Feast of Trumpets began the new year. On that day the numbers are: 1 bull, 1 ram, 7 lambs. Ten days later is the Day of Atonement when the Great Tribulation begins and the people left will have to make a decision. They got to start over and the numbers are 1,1,7 Five days later is the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days. That is when the count down begins. The sacrifice on the first day is 13 bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs. The second day it is 12 bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs, the third day it is 11 bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs, then 10,2,14, then 9,2,14, then 8,2,14 on down to the seventh day where it is 7 bulls, 2 rams, 14 lambs. Then on the eighth day which means “new beginnings”, the sacrifice goes to 1 bull, 1 ram, 7 lambs. During that countdown we will be living in temporary dwellings (booths or tabernacles) awaiting the new heaven and the new earth (1,1,7). Super cool!
In Luke, we have Joseph’s family line. Joseph was of the tribe of Judah. Mary was of the Levite tribe making Jesus both priest and king. When it gets down to Adam we see that he is called “the son of God” - the same thing Jesus is called because Adam was a type of Jesus. Sin entered through Adam and sin exited through Jesus - both sons of God!
Lord, thank you that your Word is alive!

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