Monday, March 30, 2020

Mon.’s Devo - Jesus Power

Read: Deuteronomy 13:1-15:23; Luke 8:40-9:6; Psalm 71:1-24; Proverbs 12:5-7
Suppose a prophet prophesies something and it comes to pass. Does that mean they are a prophet of God? Many see into the spirit realm but their hearts reveal if they are a true prophet or a false prophet. A false prophet will want you to worship other gods. The New Age movement is a prime example of this. They have insight into many spiritual truths but their worship exposes their error. They don’t come to God through Jesus who is the door. That is the litmus test of a true prophet today.
Romans 7:14 tells us that the law is spiritual so every law had spiritual meaning for us today. They could only eat animals that had completely split hooves and chewed the cud. That means that when we digest truth it must the the Word that is rightly divided. We must meditate on this Word and chew it over and over to understand it. The Word is to be our daily food.
They were also to only eat fish that had both fins and scales. Fins help keep a fish balanced so it can swim straight and scales are a covering of protection. So we should only digest truth that is balanced and brings peace and hope.
They were not to eat anything that was already dead or that ate dead things. We are not to digest anything that does not bring us life. If reading the news today does not bring life but fear, I suggest subscribing to Breaking Christian News and the Elijah List for the good news. I would rather hear the news from a beacon of truth and a prophet, than from the world. And remember that the Word of God is alive and current with today’s news.
Over and over it tells us not to “cook a young goat in its mother’s milk”. In other words, don’t let the sins of your father’s or mother’s determine your future. Don’t doom yourself to your families mistakes. You are not “cooked” because you came from a bad heritage. Your heritage is God. He is your ultimate father and mother.
God had the ultimate plan for welfare and the good of his people. They were to invest in God. Their offerings would insure them health and wealth. It was like investing in a stock that was destined to prosper.
At the end of every seventh year they were to cancel every debt that anyone owed them. At the end of the seventh millennia every sin we have ever done against another person or God will be totally cancelled. Everyone gets a new beginning.
This insured no poor among them. They would lend but never borrow. They were to lend to the poor and be generous even if it was close to the year of cancellation. God would bless them and pay them back. Lending to the poor was and is giving to God. He will repay!
In Luke, we see three 12’s. The dying girl is 12. The woman has been bleeding for 12 years, and the 12 disciples were sent out to cast out all demons and heal all diseases. Jesus cast the spirit of death out of the little girl, healed the woman’s body and gave the disciples power to do the same. He has given his government of the Church that same power. (Twelve means “government”.)
Lord, may we walk in the power you have given us to do the things you are doing.

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