Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tues.’s Devo - Justice

Read: Exodus 21:22-23:13; Matthew 24:1-28; Psalm 29:1-11; Proverbs 7:6-23
God gave them very practical laws having to do with their lifestyle but they have very spiritual meaning to us today if you take the time to meditate on them for revelation. One thing we can see about God is that he is concerned about the way we honor one another and show justice and fairness. God wants us to be responsible for what we do to others and pay restitution if we owe them anything. Much of the law reads like the New Testament. Jesus commanded us to love one another and treat others like we want to be treated.
In Matthew, as Jesus was leaving the Temple he looked at the buildings and commented to his disciples that one day all of these stones would be destroyed. His disciples understood he was talking about the end of time. Later, they asked him when it would happen and what would be the sign of his coming and the end of the age.
First, Jesus gave them signs of what would be going on before it all happened. There would be false Messiahs saying they were the one. There would be nations warring with nations, famines and earthquakes, but these were just birth pains. Many Christians would be arrested for their faith and persecuted or martyred. There will be some kind of unclean idol placed on the altar in the Temple. When they see this happen, they need to flee to the hills to be safe.
Many will say Jesus is on the earth but don’t believe it because he will come from the eastern sky like lightning.
Lord, your ways are perfect. Help us to honor one another and be fair in all our dealings.

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