Friday, February 15, 2019

Fri.’s Devo - The Glory of God

Read: Exodus 39:1-40:38; Mark 1:1-28; Psalm 35:1-16; Proverbs 9:11-12
Moses and the people did exactly what God told them to do concerning all the furniture and instruments in the tabernacle. The priests set everything in it and when everything was in place God came and visited his house on earth. He came in a cloud and filled the tabernacle. The glory was so thick that Moses could not enter the tabernacle. I wonder if God was checking everything out in his new house.
God’s glory led them as a cloud that was lifted above the tabernacle. When they saw that the cloud had moved, they knew it was time to travel.
Mark wrote his book to encourage the Roman Christians who were living under persecution. Mark identified Jesus as the Suffering Servant to help them in their own suffering. He begins his gospel confirming the ministry of John the Baptist from Isaiah’s prophecy hundreds of years before. John came to prepare the way for Jesus and even baptized Jesus before he started his ministry. After his baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit of God into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. He had to win that battle first.
Once John was put in prison, Jesus continued John’s message to repent because the kingdom was near. Jesus chose his first disciples: Simon, Andrew, James and John who were all fishermen. They left everything and followed him.
Jesus immediately went into the synagogue and began teaching the law. The people were amazed that he taught like he knew that what he was saying was right. His words were weighty and with authority. A man possessed by an evil spirit spoke up and started identifying Jesus as the Holy One of God…the Messiah. Jesus told him to be quiet and told the evil spirit to come out of him. It shook him violently then came out with a shriek. This was not what people were used to seeing in the synagogue! They wondered who Jesus was.
God doesn’t mind shaking up the status quo to show his power. I pray he does that in our churches! I wonder if he is not waiting for us to get everything in order first. I long for the day that his glory fills our churches and no demon can stand.
Lord, may your authority, power and glory return to your temples.

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