Saturday, February 9, 2019

Sat.’s Devo - The Sacrifice

Read: Exodus 29:1-30:10; Matthew 26:14-46; Psalm 31:19-24; Proverbs 8:14-26
The priests were to be consecrated to serve before the Lord just as we need to be consecrated to serve the Lord. First, they were to bring their sacrifice to the Lord and wash it in water. Then they were to dress in their priestly garments. Next they were to be anointed with oil.
Then they could start the sacrificing. The bull was the sin offering to conscecrate the whole nation. They were to lay their hands upon the head of the bull, identifying with him since he was going to represent them. The blood of the bull was to be sprinkled on the horns of the altar and the rest poured at the base of the altar. All the inner parts were to be burned and the flesh was taken outside the camp to be burned.
The ram offering was to consecrate the priests. The blood of the ram was to be put on the ears, thumbs and big toes of the right side of the body signifying that what they heard, did and their walk was sanctified in the blood. They were to take the meat and wave it before the Lord. The priests would eat the sacrifices and unleavened bread for seven days. No one else can eat this. We are to eat the body of the Lord and drink his blood; no-one else can do this.
They were to offer a lamb every morning and one at dusk showing that forgiveness is ours continually.
In Matthew, we have the last supper that Jesus will eat with his disciples. The custom of Jewish men at supper is to sit the oldest to the left and on around to the youngest which would sit to the right. Judas was the oldest, so he was on Jesus’ left and John was the youngest, so he would be on his right. What a contrast!
Jesus did the rehearsal of what was going to happen on the very next day. He explained that the bread stood for his body and the wine is the blood.
They ate, sang a hymn and went to pray. Well, Jesus went to pray. The disciples fell asleep.
Lord, help us to stay awake spiritually and not give in to our natural desires.

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