Monday, February 11, 2019

Mon.’s Devo - The Golden Calf

Read: Exodus 32:1-33:23; Matthew 26:69-27:14; Psalm 33:1-11; Proverbs 8:33-36
Aaron caved to the pier pressure of the people. Moses had been on the mountain for days and the people were ready to get going. They wanted a god to lead them so Aaron told them to donate an earring a piece and he melted it into a golden calf. He proclaimed a feast day and the people partied and celebrated this false god.
God knew what they were doing so he told Moses to get down and stop them before He did. Moses interceded for the people and begged the Lord not to destroy them. God relented but once Moses saw what God had seen, he got so mad he threw the tablets to the ground breaking them. He melted the calf and grounded it to powder. He mixed the powder into the water and made the people drink it.
Moses went to Aaron and asked him how this happened. You have to love Aaron’s explanation. He said the the people made him do it. They gave Aaron their gold and when he threw it into the fire and out popped this calf. That sounds like something my 5 year old grandson would say.
The lesson we should learn from the golden calf is not to worship any object or manifestation or event, but the Lord who caused the miracle to happen.
Moses told the ones who loved God to get their swords and go through the camp killing all who were partying and worshipping the calf. Three thousand were killed.
Moses told the people he would go back and ask God to forgive them and rewrite the laws they had already broken.
God told him that the ones who sinned against him would be blotted out of his book. He sent a plague to punish them.
Moses moved the tabernacle outside of the camp and when any of them wanted to meet with God, they could come there. God showed Moses his glory because Moses asked. God’s presence is available to all who want it.
In Matthew, everything played out just as it was foretold. Peter denied Jesus three times. The religious leaders took Jesus to the Romans to be crucified since it was against their law to crucify someone.
Judas was overcome with remorse for betraying Jesus and returned the money they had given him and went and hung himself. Judas was a pawn in Satan’s hand and when he was had done what Satan wanted, he was thrown aside.
The Sanhedrin took the blood money and bought a cemetery for foreigners and called it the Field of Blood.
Jesus was brought before the Roman government to be inspected. Jesus refused to defend himself which amazed the officers.
Lord, thank you for every break-through in our lives. Help us to worship you and not the blessing.

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