Saturday, February 2, 2019

Sat.’s Devo - Constant Complaining

Read: Exodus 15:19-17:7; Matthew 22:1-33; Psalm 27:1-6; Proverbs 6:20-26
The children of Israel grumbled their way through the wilderness. First it was the sea, so God divided it. Next it was the bitter water, so God told Moses to take a certain wood and throw it into the water and the water became sweet so they could drink it. Then, God brought them to Eilim where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees, and they camped by an abundance of water.
Next, they grumbled that there was no food. So, God brought quail that night and bread rained down from heaven that morning. Moses gave them instructions to just gather enough for the day, but some of them couldn’t trust God past the day and gathered enough for the next day. It was molded by the next day.
On the sixth day they were to gather enough for the next day and it didn’t mold. You would think that they would catch on that God was making the rules and he wanted them to obey them. His way was the only way that would work.
When they ran out of water again, they somehow forgot the Red Sea, the manna, and the quail and the sweet water.
They had just left the wilderness of Sin and were camped at Rephidim and complained with Moses to give them water to drink. God told Moses to take his staff and strike the rock in Horeb. Water burst out from it. God called the place Massah which means “testing” because they tested God by asking if he was with them. And it was called Meribah which means “quarreling” because they quarreled with Moses.
In Matthew, Jesus told the parable of the man not adequately dressed for the wedding. He used it to explain what the religious leaders would face when they tried to enter heaven. They had no idea what the right attire was to enter heaven. The chosen will be robed in righteousness that had been washed in the blood of Jesus.
The Sadducees tried to trick Jesus with a question about a widow and the brothers’ obligation to have children through her for their dead brother. It was a trick question to find out Jesus’ thoughts on resurrection. Of course, Jesus saw straight through their trickery and answered their real question. There would be a resurrection because God is god of the living, not the dead.
Lord, thank you that you are the answer to all of life’s questions. Forgive us for our complaints when we can’t see the answers that you have not brought to our sight yet. Help us to wait expectantly on your wonderful plan.

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