Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wed.’s Devo - Absaolom’s Rebellion

Read: 2 Sam. 15- 17:14
Absalom was a deceiver and ruthless politician. He knew how to win the hearts of the people and use it for his conspiracy plan. Absalom was a type of the antichrist. He wanted to be the highest in the kingdom and have everyone bow to him. He conspired against his own father to reach his goal. Absalom self-proclaimed to be king instead of asking God to give him the throne after David had died. Satan always wants what he wants now! David found out the plan and fled before Absalom could get back. He sent back spies to confuse his enemies’ plan.
Not only did David learn that his son, Absalom had conspired against him but he learned that Mephibosheth also supported Absalom after all David had done for him. Of course, we know that Ziba was lying about Mephibosheth but David didn’t find that out until later. David had a small group of friends who stayed loyal to him. This was a sad day for David. But, David had learned in his dealings with Saul, not to fight back. He didn’t kill the man who cursed him from Saul’s family. He didn’t stay and defend his kingdom. He left it to God to give it back to him.
I had a similar thing happen this week-end. I was misunderstood by three people. It was a hard thing to witness, but I decided not to make a production about it and just let it go. Only God knows who is innocent and He is really the only one I want to please. I pray he works in the heart of all of us and gives us true reconciliation. I have learned that people don’t want you to prove that you are right or that they are wrong but if you let God speak to their hearts then maybe they will soften and see things more clearly. I pray that my eyes would be opened to see their side also.
God was looking after David and made Absalom take Ahithopel’s advice. God will fight for us if we let him.
Lord, help us give you our battles. They are not natural but spiritual and we need the Holy Spirit to intervene. Thank you for the victory!

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