Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sun.’s Devo - The Ascent to the Throne

Read: 1 Samuel 9:-12
Rarely do we read about a wealthy person being chosen by God but Saul was one of them. Sent to find his father’s donkey, he came back the anointed king. He was not ready for such an assignment and even tried to run from it so God set up a circumstance that would make him step into his next roll.
I can remember a similar circumstance where God wanted me to do something totally out of my expertise. Our children’s leaders had resigned and no one had stepped into their place. I loathed VBS because it took me from my planned schedule and was little more than babysitting to me. I thought this would be a great year to not have it so I started a campaign to take a summer off. No one, I found out was even thinking about VBS, yet, I was consumed with it. I went to a ladies’ retreat and the teaching was perfect for adapting as a VBS curiculum. I ended up realizing that God was calling me to lead it and use the materials I had gotten from the retreat. I tearfully said “yes” to God and He came through in such a grand way. I ended up leading VBS for 4 more years. It was one of the most rewarding and fun assignments I have ever done. So, I can relate to Saul’s reluctance at first. Being the first king had to be intimidating.
I found it interesting that Saul went to see Samuel, the seer and ended up prophesying himself. That is what happens when you hang out with someone who consistently moves in their gift. Samuel’s gift rubbed off on Saul. When people hang out with me they start dreaming since interpreting dreams is one of my gifts. Paul says that we should all prophesy. Prophecy is just hearing what God says and saying that. We are all suppose to do that. There are certain people who have the office of being a prophet but anyone can prophecy. The people asked, “Can anyone become a prophet, no matter who his father is?” The answer to that one is “yes”. And, sadly, it doesn’t matter who your father is. Your father can be the devil, and you can still prophesy. The difference is that if your father is the devil, your prophesy might be truth or it might be a lie since he is the father of lies and deception. If you prophesy by the Holy Spirit it will be true.
Lord, help us to prophesy your word to others. Your word brings hope and life.

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