Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wed.’s Devo - The Storms of Life

Read: Job 30-31
Job looked at what his life was at the present and was in anguish. He was a joke to people who used to look up to him and honor him. Now he lived in depression and hopelessness. He was in the middle of a storm and the storm was winning. He remembered how he wept for the poor and needy and looked for ways to help them. He made a decision not to look lustfully upon a woman. As he examined his past life he concluded these things: He has never been unfair with his servants and his business affairs. He has been kind to the orphan and never put his trust in money. He has never been happy when calamity hit his enemies. He has not tried to hide his sins or been afraid of the crowd and what they thought of his walk with God.
Job was a model for us to live by and that is why God chose him. We can look at the way Job lived his life and use him as our example. We don’t know why we face such opposition and trials except that trials make us strong and help us see how temporal and unimportant riches and popularity is. Our first love has got to be Jesus for us to be able to weather the storms up ahead and the ones we are in. God is the storm maker and the storm breaker. We can trust that he commands the winds to blow where ever he wants them to.
Lord help us to ride the waves of your storms with grace and trust.

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